A NSW Government website

NSW Industrial Relations
Making NSW Workplaces Fair For All

Self-Reporting Non-Compliance

Approach to self-reported non-compliance

The Inspectorate takes a practical and proportionate approach to self-reported non-compliance. Isolated payroll errors resulting in underpayments over a short period of time (up to 12 months) do not need to be reported to us, as long as: employees are told of the underpayment; employees are back paid in full as soon as practicable; and changes are made to ensure the error does not happen again.

For broader and/or potential systemic non-compliance, it is best to notify us as soon as possible. Reports should be made through the [email protected]   

Any self-reports should identify the following: details of the non-compliance; what led to or contributed to it; the action taken to assess and rectify it; and contact details

Self-reporting, cooperation and remediation can justify our use of non-litigious and non-punitive compliance tools to resolve the matter, such as a formal caution. For further information please refer to our Complaints Handling Policy