Employment records
Information on record keeping and employer requirements regarding Long Service Leave record keeping.
General obligations
Employers are required to make and keep employment records for seven (7) years.
The records are required to be:
- in a form that is readily accessible to an authorised Inspector
- in a legible form and in English (preferably in plain, simple English)
- unaltered unless correcting an error
- not be false or misleading
- made available to current and former employees on request
Records content
Employment records that an employer must make and keep is a record that specifies:
- the employer’s name
- the employee’s name
- whether the employee’s employment is permanent, temporary or casual
- the date on which the employee’s employment began
- on and after 1 January 2010 - the Australian Business Number (if any) of the employer
Records relating to Long Service Leave
The Long Service Leave Act 1955 section 8 refers to records to be kept by employers
- Every employer shall keep records for a period of at least 6 years