A NSW Government website

NSW Industrial Relations
Making NSW Workplaces Fair For All

Minimum age for workers in New South Wales

There are no minimum age restrictions in New South Wales, however you may wish to contact the following organisations for any other restrictions that may apply relating to age.

Fair Work Ombudsman

The Fair Work Ombudsman regulates employment matters. The Ombudsman’s office may be contacted directly on 13 13 94 or visit their website.

SafeWork NSW

Safework NSW is the agency responsible for occupational health and safety, workers compensation and certificates for operators of industrial equipment. They may be contacted on 131 050, or visit their website.

NSW Department of Education

If consideration is being given to working at any time other than school holidays, you should check with the NSW Department of Education for restrictions that may apply to a student’s age and their education. They may be contacted on 1300 679 332, or visit their website.